OpenTreatments Foundation envisions a society where every rare disease has at least one treatment

We are non-profit organization with a mission is to enable treatments for all genetic diseases regardless of rarity or geography using the OpenTreatments software platform. We will decentralize drug development and empower patients, families, or motivated individuals to create a treatment for a disease impacting their loved one. We will enable the hand off of these therapies to commercial/governmental/philanthropic entities to ensure patients around the world get access to the therapies for the years to come. 

Our goal is to supercharge patient foundations

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De-risk your disease for multiple therapeutic technologies (gene therapy, ASO, drug repurposing, CRISPR, and anything)

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Connect with a global talent pool of researchers, clinicians, marketing, operations, and anyone necessary to advance your programs. Rent, not buy, industry-grade infrastructure to run your scientific experiments

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Demonstrate your capabilities to attract funding to your disease irrespective of the rarity